[Mpi-forum] May 2023 MPI Forum Meeting Registration and Announcements

Wes Bland work at wesbland.com
Thu Apr 6 11:50:06 CDT 2023

Hi all,

The next MPI Forum meeting is now about a month away. That means it’s time to register and get out voting announcements.

Please register at this link: https://forms.gle/ae8TyARWi7Hchcqb6

Please also make sure you are preparing your tickets for readings and votes. The deadline for announcements is April 18th.

There were a number of announcements that were already made. You can see the current agenda here: https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2023/05/agenda

There are also a number of issues that have either had readings or votes already that still need announcements for the current meeting. You can see everything we’re tracking for MPI 4.1 that isn’t announced in one form or another here: https://github.com/orgs/mpi-forum/projects/1/views/9

We’re still on track for completing MPI 4.1 later this year. Our plan for that is:
* May - Final 1st votes
* July - Final 2nd votes and errata votes
* September - Release Candidate Meeting (RCM)
* October - Final Ratification Meeting (FRM)

That means that everything that hasn’t already had a reading at this point that isn’t an errata or chapter committee change is too late for MPI 4.1 and will need to move out to target MPI 5.0 (or, very narrowly, 4.2). I’ll be moving those tickets out to MPI 5.0 soon. You can confirm whether your issue is in that bucket here: https://github.com/orgs/mpi-forum/projects/1/views/10

As always, let me know if you have any questions.

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