[Mpi-forum] MPI 4.1 Progress Update

Wes Bland work at wesbland.com
Thu Nov 10 09:33:19 CST 2022

Hi all,

Sorry I haven’t been able to attend the last couple of virtual meetings to give an update on progress for MPI 4.1. I wanted to do so quickly before we get into the two week window for the upcoming meeting. Remember that the next voting meeting is on December 5, which makes November 21 (the week of Thanksgiving in the US and the week after SC everywhere) the deadline. All readings need to be announced by then and we only have two meetings left for readings. Also, keep in mind that almost all tickets need a re-reading so please try to have your tickets ready for the December meeting to keep us on track for getting MPI 4.1 ready for SC 23.

With that out of the way, folks have been making progress on their issues since the last meeting. Our current status is that we have (excluding chapter committee and editor changes that can be made any time):

* 60 items marked as “To Do” (have no pull request)
* 40 items marked as “In Progress” (have a pull request, but have not been read)
* 6 items marked as “Had Reading”
* 3 items marked as having passed their first vote

As usual, to see which issues have been assigned to you, you can click on this link: https://github.com/orgs/mpi-forum/projects/1/views/3

You also should have received an automated email from me a few weeks ago listing all of your issues. I did unbundle some of the issues that had been assigned to each chapter committee after that email, so your list may have grown a bit since then.

If you have any questions about any issue assigned to you, feel free to reach out to Martin or myself. Let’s try to improve MPI 4.1 as much as possible by moving these todo’s forward. If there is something on your list that you think should be moved out to MPI 5.0 or dropped entirely, feel free to post a comment on the issue itself and we can make a decision from there.

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